Why I Feel the Way I Feel

Why I feel the way I feel about some of the many things that I see in life. I see what I see, and feel what I feel probably because it’s meant for me to. The thing is, is that it all depends on the moment, the time, what it is and my mood. Yes, my mood, I could be feeling any type of way, because do we all not wake up in the same moment in time and mood?

It could be a good mood, bad and or horrible mood right? I know some of y’all can definitely relate to, and FEEL where I might be going with this topic. But where am I going, and coming from when it comes to this topic? Just something I wanted to touch on. And I’m touching on it, because on Rilla, I be feeling a certain way about a lot of stuff.

I just haven’t taken the time to type and post about it. Ya guy still in recovery mode, but not how, what, and why you probably thinking. I’m really just struggling, and striving to recover in many ways, and on different levels. It could be mentally, physically, and even on a Spiritual note.

There’s so, so much that I be wanting to do, and talk about. So many ways I would like to create express to the little audience (Subscriber’s) I do have. Moment, time and mood gets me every time. I’m working on that though, and in time I’ll show those necessary improvements “As I tend to always do.”

The only way of seeing this, is if you pay attention. Why should you though “Pay attention?” You don’t have to, it’s a choice, but I’m only concerned now about those who do. Now, this is one of those reasons to my why. Another reason is because of the many things I see take place.

What some people be doing, and how they be acting. It’s Black History month right? I even feel some type of way about that. But the question would remain, is it good, bad and or ugly!?

I guess where I’m going with this is that, you just never know. You never know where people be at in their state of mind. What the moment and mood is, and what one shall see and feel in time. See it now? Many things play a part one’s unseen mood, and moment.

I speak on this type of thing because, I see and know the importance of doing so. Now you can kinda see where recovery plays a part in why I’m touching on this. It’s really real out here my people, and if you’re not working towards a better feel, then it can and will only get and be worse. So, I type these thoughts tonight to, and for not just myself, because for me, it’s therapy.

In hopes that, something seen just may reach you whomever you may be, and give ya a little bit more to think about. Who knows, it just may give you a reason why you feel the way you feel in time, #canuimagine ?

When A Chief Speaks

ZoORillah Midwest
Author: ZoORillah Midwest

Adam is the Great when he's on or off the mic. Yes, a creative conservative, and also a bit of a rebel when it comes to the unjust practices exercised by those who show to be oppressors.I've been through a lot, memories still haunt me! Renegade writer/rap recording artist, digital content creator/producer who sets the record straight. They call me, ZooRillah Midwest, the artist who expresses on many different levels. Ready for what I might have to say? Input | Strategist | Adaptability | Realist | Connectedness| Strategist | Adaptability

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