A Blessing Found In Rap And Hip Hop Music

So when, and or if you decide you want to think about all that is going on in life. Whether it be yours personally, and or someone else’s, a picture is painted. And in that picture is a possible message formed through many colors of obstacles that we all tend to be. Able to relate to be it your own experiences or others.

Many will ask why? Many will complain, be bitter minded, hurt, ugly, hateful, non-caring selfish and very quick to turn a blind eye. To some of the same things that people go through until they themselves are faced with the same obstacles. Why is this? Why is that? Why ask he many struggles and situations that we all have to come to face. For whatever the reason, race, religion, ethnicity and case.

But the Blessing, I say, the blessing in the possible outcome of whatever the situation faced is determined by lessons. Hopefully learned that will possibly help you along the way. What am I talking about? Yep, many will say such, but look at it like this:

“It’s easy to accept blessings, but blessings must also be given in return in order for that glory to go back to the source.”

The Blessin and its Importance

But, In These Dayz of Tyme, many show to have forgotten that importance of this duty due to their choice. Living an illusion lifestyle, and choose to do otherwise don’t they. But what is a blessing? A Blessing could may well come simply in from, and to in many ways, and through thought form if you can catch it.

Could there be blessings still manifesting from music? You know you have those who swear up and down that, all Rap and Hip Hop is dead. The same, and or sounds like what somebody else says.

You’ll be quick to say that, there are no real representatives and leaders in the music game. Atleast like it should anyway. No longer holds any substance or nothing to offer anymore. Really? And you know what I say to that? It all depends on what you’re looking for.

Beg to differ? Disagree? You have that right, but with that right also must come proof. If you listen to the song “The Blessin” beat production by Blake Palar for Sound Stove Productions (SHOUT OUT TO BLAKE!).

In the song above, could there be a blessing for ya? Maybe, maybe naught, it all depends on what you’re looking for, and might be going through at this very moment, and might find in something that, I Was Sent  2 hit ya with.

Only you know when and or if something relates to you, and ones everyday struggles in life. I relate to the many struggles in life on many levels. And that’s why I tend to Give It 2 Em Raw on and off the mic. My art, thoughts, and creativity in this Rap and Hip Hop Music Producing for me, in itself is a blessing. It’s a blessing to be able to do all that I have, and am striving to continue to do.

Yes, The Artist 4 the People does it like no other. No matter how much they try to tear down what the Creator and universe played part in. Rebuilding is a manditory and they just gone have to hang in there, because “Ain’t No Stopping” #Gods4lo. 😎 What I do is not just for me, but also for those rilla’z who know the real street life. Who knows much of what we faced, went through and strove to survive.

The Blessin Comes Through experiences

And those who know, know through real experiences when it comes to the street, and hood life. People really gotta start showing to be more honest with self and quit chasing the illusion for a temporary feel. So, if you the reader have made it this far by reading these thoughts BIG UPS AND SHOUTS OUT TO YOU! And if you are going through something major in life right now, I feel you and just know that. It’s important to first take a good look at self. And ask one self: “What have, I done, and What can I do?”

Forget naught that the Creator is always with you. But if you flip-flop, and sway that too is a maybe to the why that one asks. So, with that being said. My way of showing the possible is by the work I display Right Be 4 Ur Eyez. Will you find the blessing? Will you show it and express it?

Final Thoughts

Only you can answer that. Enjoy “The Blessin” sent. Download now while available, and be sure to like, comment and share your thoughts and experience with what you might have gained from this post. Share the works within the song with others. Or you gained and found nothing at all.

Who knows, if not a blessing to you, it just may be for someone else. 😉

When A Chief Speaks



ZoORillah Midwest
Author: ZoORillah Midwest

Adam is the Great when he's on or off the mic. Yes, a creative conservative, and also a bit of a rebel when it comes to the unjust practices exercised by those who show to be oppressors.I've been through a lot, memories still haunt me! Renegade writer/rap recording artist, digital content creator/producer who sets the record straight. They call me, ZooRillah Midwest, the artist who expresses on many different levels. Ready for what I might have to say? Input | Strategist | Adaptability | Realist | Connectedness| Strategist | Adaptability

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